number of nodes (max. 256):

You play by generating a random graph (out of 9 billion possibilities). Any such random graph is obtained from the original 10_nodes quine, by random permutations of sources and targets of the directed edges of that graph. Use mouse to zoom/drag or hover over nodes to trigger transforms, or just hit "start" and "stop" buttons.
Is it a quine? A chemlambda quine is a graph which has periodic evolution under the greedy algorithm of chemlambda rewrites. See also the page chemlambda quines and random eggs for more quines and for a similar but smaller experiment concerning quines generated by one of the 720 graphs with 4 nodes A-L-FI-FO.
Think about the graph as if it is alive. Is it? If it does nothing, then is dead. If it grows fast and builds a repeated pattern, then is not interesting. If it grows a little, then it keeps more or less the same, or it has some parts which grow and some parts which shrink, so there seems to be a balance between growing and shrinking, then you hit the jackpot.
It is OK if the creature lives a while and then it dies. After all, the 10_quine is mortal. 15 new quines were found up to now and a new fact was discovered about the 10_nodes quine: it can reproduce. In order to check they are truly alive, use "reload" and "start" and "stop" several times, to see if they live long enough. However we just found also an immortal quine, which also comes from one of the 720 possible eggs.
Attention! When you hit "load" a "new ... random graph", each time you get a new one. If you want to reload the same random graph again, then use the "reload" button.
If you find something that you think is alive, then copy-paste the "code" of the creature and send a mail to You see the code when you load.
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credits: based on this js version of the chemlambda v2.